Finally I decided to update theme of my site. New theme is twentyfourteen, with very few custom css styling in child theme.
As a key benefit of new theme I see its responsive design, which it looks well also on mobile devices. Key mine customizations are:
- Customized logo
- Extended max-width of content – twentyfourteen has width of content some 440px, which leaves much unused space on normal screens, I extend it to double size.
Continue reading Updated Theme (Widening TwentyForteen) →
Crayon is WordPress syntax highlighting plugin. It works great and I use it for years, however I found recently strange interaction of this plugin with comments on posts and pages.
If this Crayon option – Display the Tag Editor in any TinyMCE instances on the frontend (e.g. bbPress) is enabled then TinyMCE editor is displayed also for adding comments! Also this editor will not work if you click Reply link on an existing comment (Editor will be somehow disabled). Solution is to uncheck this option.
When I was starting this site I was looking for a reliable solution to backup the site. I have been looking bit around and found this excellent plugin for WordPress:
This plugin is absolutely awesome, with many features, just mentioning few key ones:
- You can create backup job, where you can define what tables and what files will be backed up – thus you can basically backup all site, or selectively just critical data
- You can store backup file to many locations: locally, to remote server or to many popular cloud services (Amazon S3, DropBox …) – so the backup available even when site is completely down.
- You can schedule backups with any periodicity (cron like scheduler) – you can also run it manually
- It works well even in limited hosting environments
One of customization I’ve done for this WordPress theme was to put label text over search input. I’ve found that quite nice design element and space saving optimization.
Basically there are 2 main approaches: Continue reading Title Over Search Input →
So my new site is started.
My old site will be still available – either here in full copy or on its original address.
Final decision for CMS was WordPress – why to try something special, when tons of people are happy with it. Hope it’ll be OK for a small site like this. (Some time ago I’ve tried Drupal, but it’s much more complicated, WP seems to be much easier and intuitive. I can easily modify a theme to fit my ideas and also fix some plugins without any in depth knowledge).
So let’s see how it will be going on.
My Digital Bits And Pieces