Tag Archives: Websocket

Hyper Websocket

As much as I do like Rust I have to admit there are some disadvantages of using this language – one common problem is immaturity and fragmentation of libraries –  I encountered this recently when I was looking for a way how create a websocket endpoint for audioserve.  audioserve is using low level HTTP library hyper – as it’s API is quite simple (which was it’s key design principle). I wanted to add websocket support on lowest possible level.  Actually it turned out as not totally trivial –  some frameworks like warp or actix have build in websocket support, but for pure hyper + websocket we have to start from bottom.  Continue reading Hyper Websocket

Run and monitor tasks via WebSocket with ASEXOR

Many modern web applications require more then just displaying data in the browser.  Data may need to be processed and transformed in various ways, which require intensive processing tasks on server side. Such processing is best done asynchronously outside of web application server, as such tasks can be relatively  long running. There are already many existing solutions for asynchronous task scheduling, some of them are quite sophisticated general frameworks like Celery, Kafka, others are build in features of application servers ( like mules and spoolers in uWSGI).  But what if we need something simpler, which can work  directly with Javascript clients and is super simple to use in a project.  Meet asexor – ASynchronous EXecuOR,  a small project of mime. Continue reading Run and monitor tasks via WebSocket with ASEXOR

WAMP Is WebSocket on Steroids

If you look for WAMP abbreviation over Internet, you will probably find that WAMP = Windows + Apache + MySQL + PHP – which was popular web stack some time ago (but who wants to run web server on Windows today?  And other components  now also have  viable alternatives).   But in this article I’d like to talk about WAMP = Web Application Messaging Protocol.  WAMP is available  as WebSocket subprotocol, but also can work on plain TCP or Unix domain sockets. Continue reading WAMP Is WebSocket on Steroids