Tag Archives: git

CI/CD Environment for A Smaller Project

Advantages of Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Delivery (CD) are obvious even for small projects with few contributors and are easily achievable with help of  free cloud tools – like for instance with mighty combo of Github plus Travis. But what if we want to achieve similarly convenient  environment inside of our private network, available only to our internal teams. Luckily open source is here again to help us with another great tool – GitLab –  GitLab  is a similar platform to GitHub, but the code is open source and we can easily install it in our environment. In this article I’ll summarize my experiences and guidelines how to build convenient environment for a small project  with automatic testing and deployment. Continue reading CI/CD Environment for A Smaller Project

Simple Web Applications Deployment via Git

Git is not only great version control tool,  but can be easily used for web application deployment to testing or production environmenst.  For more complex projects some continuous integration (CI), tools/services can be more appropriate  (like Jenkins), but for smaller project we can do just fine with Git , SSH and simple script installed as git hook. Below is the scenario I’m using for one Python Flask web application. Continue reading Simple Web Applications Deployment via Git

Aptana Studio And Git/Github

Aptana studia is a plugin to Eclipse, which contains many useful modules (like PyDev) and amongst many also GIT module. However this module is different than EGit ( and EGit cannot be installed because it conflicts with Aptana Git)so manual on Github is not applicable. So how does it work? On my recent project I’ve tried to use it  and here is quick guide how to  create project and push it to Github. Continue reading Aptana Studio And Git/Github