In past article I’ve written about some basic stuff we can do with Ethereum client Parity – like transfering Ethers, creating multi-signature wallet and even writing our own contracts. Now I’ll continue with writing our very own Distributed Application ( Dapp). Continue reading Writing Distributed Application for Ethereum
Tag Archives: ethereum
Ethereum local playground
In past article I’ve talked generally about blockchain technologies, in this article we will look into Ethereum from user perspective. We will build local playground, where we can test many functions of Ethereum(Ethers transfers, using and writing smart contracts and more) without spending real Ethers (and thus real money). This guide in intended for users with Linux OS. Continue reading Ethereum local playground
Blockchain madness
Some technologies I really notice only when they hit me directly into the face. That’s the case of blockchain – I have been looking into Bitcoin several years back and found it quite interesting (especially from cryptographic perspective – as interesting usecase for applied cryptography), but never expected that it’ll reach such extensive grow in popularity as we have seen in past half year or so. This forced me to looked again into these technologies and get bit more detailed understanding about blockchain technologies, why it’s so popular now and particularly look at recent development and on next big player in this area Ethereum project.
In this article I’ll share some initial thoughts of mine about blockchain, what I think it is and why it matters. In later article(s) we’ll look into Ethereum from purely practical perspective. We will build a local playground for Ethereum, where we can try immediately some basic functions of the system. Continue reading Blockchain madness