Tag Archives: email

Why GMail is not changing all server certificates in synch?

I’m accessing my Gmail account from behind HTTPS proxy – it was described is this post.  Thunderbird does not support it, for IMAP and SMTP  only SOCKS proxy can work.   To cope with it  I’m using a small local proxy, that redirects any connection via proxy CONNECT method to remote host:port.

This works fine, but in email client I had to set IMAP server as localhost and SMTP server also as localhost.  Thunderbird is cautious about it and since both connections are using TLS/SSL then there is a security issue –  I’m connecting to localhost, but certificates are  for *.gmail.com domain.  Luckily Thunderbird enables me to set security exception –   it asks me if I’ll allow that certificate for that host address, if I confirm everything works like charm until Gmail changes certificate on servers (which happens about couple time per year or so). Continue reading Why GMail is not changing all server certificates in synch?

Accessing IMAP/SMTP via HTTPS Proxy

In some places Internet access is available only via proxy, which in practice means that you are limited to HTTP and HTTPS protocols only.  But if you have  external email accounts like Gmail,  this is bit limiting, because you cannot access your email via IMAP protocol from your  email client.

However there can be a solution –  if proxy support HTTPS protocol, it means also that it supports CONNECT method that  tunnels a connection to remote server unchanged.  This method could be used to tunnel any protocol, so basically  it could tunnel also IMAP ( and SMTP for outgoing email). Continue reading Accessing IMAP/SMTP via HTTPS Proxy