webresmon – Simple And Efficient Remote System Monitor

Small Python (and Javascript for web interface) program to remotely monitor key system resources (CPU. memory, Net and Disk IO).
Stats are presented in form of live graphs:


  • presents CPU utilization (summarized for all CPUs), Memory usage (physical and swap and Net and Disk I/O (kB/s)
  • Web based interface with live graphs
  • can pause updates
  • can change update interval
  • multiple web clients (up to a limit) with possibility for different update intervals in each
  • efficient communication (via websocket), lightweighted server (python gevent), efficient data collection


  • depends on following python libraries – that must be installed  (recent versions) before starting this script:
  • then just run and connect with browser to given port –  http://your_address:8000

Licensed under  GPL v3.

Source is available on GITHub.

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