Nice Solution for Recording Screencasts on Linux

Recently I needed to record some screen-cast from Linux desktop.  In past I was using gtk-recordmydesktop, which basically worked well, but I thought  maybe there is something better.   And I have found this combination of two tools very useful –   Kazam (screencaster) and OpenShot (video editing) . Kazam is easy to use with all basic functions that are needed  (screen area definition, multi-display support, audio source selection) and it supports output into two common formats (MP4, WebM).  When screen-cast is finished Kazam gives you opportunity to open it directly with a video editor – here OpenShot can be used to cut your screen-cast video, add titles etc. and  finalize screen-cast video. 

Kazam screenshot


OpenShot screenshot


One more trick can make your screen-cast more appealing –   if you want to highlight  mouse clicks – there is this setting in mouse preferences –  “Show position of pointer when Control key is pressed” –  you can use it to highlight important mouse clicks (clicking mouse and pressing Ctrl together).

Also I noted that MP4 recorded screen-casts cause some issues when being edited in OpenShot (enormous memory consumption – probably related to this bug) – WebM seemed to be OK.


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